So it's not summer, not for me, not just yet....but after having our last chapter meeting of the year last night, summer is on my mind (okay, and maybe a little in my day dreams)!!
With our last week of classes and final exams making their way into our agendas it's time to get ready for summer! New bathing suits, trips to the beach, summer jobs....in addition to all the fun that comes with the summer months, spending time with our friends and families, how do we remember our R/ritual and sisterhood while we're separated from one another?
With sisters living across the country, it's hard to ensure that all our members our staying engaged over the summer. Some of the friendships with new Delta sisters and older Delta sisters were just starting to develop and now we have to separate?!
Here are some of the things that we've done in our chapter to keep everyone connected even while we're physically apart from one another!!
Facebook Groups ~ every academic class (Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen) have a facebook group. Sisters can post events, keep in touch and even post videos! It's a quick and easy check in that brings everyone closer together.
Chapter Calendar ~ getting our chapter calendar out to sisters as soon as possible will help sisters not only prepare, but get excited for the upcoming school year! By making sure new events and activities are in view, sisters won't forget everything we've done together this past year
Diamond Sister Notebooks ~ Instead of making diamond boards during our Diamond Days celebrations, our Membership Education Team came up with this cute idea! Diamond Sisters decorated a notebook to mail back and forth to one another, some sisters use it at school, passing it back and forth each week at chapter when schedules get too busy for regular lunch dates.
Summer Trips ~ with our chapter log, sisters can see who lives in their area! We have plans to go to amusement parks, the beach, sporting events and other great summer classics! By connecting with women who live in our area, it's yet another way to yet us get to know sisters!!
What do your chapters do to keep the spark of sisterhood going over the summer months??
<3 Love and Loyally
Hi Mary!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Tanner Thurman and I am the Recruitment Vice President for Alpha Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State. I was hoping to use this amazing picture for recruitment this year. If it is okay with you, could you email me a copy of the original picture? My email is tanner.thurman@okstate.edu. I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
Tanner Thurman