The Creed of Alpha Delta Pi was written by Caralee Stock Stanard and given to our Sorority as a gift in 1948, originally a part of her keynote speech.
The Creed of Alpha Delta Pi, the Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega, and the mission statements of our chapters give us guidelines, and meaning. They translate our independent chapter rituals and traditions into everyday life. Our Creed in particular renews our commitment not just to our sisterhood but to ourselves every time we read it. When things get hard, and times get crazy, when choices become more and more difficult there is one place that we as Greeks can go and find the right path - officers, executive members and sisters - our traditions are all here. Our Ritual Book and our Creed should always be the standard by which our chapter activities surround in addition to providing us with a support network based on family, faith and loyalty.
I Believe in Alpha Delta Pi.
I believe in the purpose and traditions of our chapter, that being a sister of Alpha Delta Pi is worth while.
I Believe that my sorority is more than a ritual or a symbol; that it is a way of life.
"Ritual" makes our chapter unique, it is the tradition that connects us across time and space to women and sisters around the world, but living our ritual everyday means I'll live the values in chapter meetings and out.
I Believe that the principles established by our founders in 1851 are enduring attributes, exemplifying the highest ideals of Christian womanhood.
I believe that the values of our founding sisters are still relevant and by following them I can be my best possible self.
I Believe that our motto, "We Live for Each Other", expresses the true spirit of fraternity; and that by living this motto my life will be enriched by true friendships and by unselfish service to mankind.
I believe that our motto will bring me closer to my chapter and Panhellenic sisters, and those around me. That by being inclusive and giving what I can to others my life will be greatly enriched.
I Believe that the privilege of membership in Alpha Delta Pi brings the responsibility to do my best in whatever I undertake, always remembering that leadership requires confidence tempered with humility and courage blended with tolerance.
I am representing women across the country and a national organization, I must always remember that everything I do will be a reflection of my chapter and Greek community. I must always remember that leading others means allowing them to develop their own leadership.
I Believe that I must strive to become a well balanced person by following the dictates of the four points symbolized by our diamond shaped badge: first, strengthening my own character and personality; second, watching my attitudes toward my fellow beings; third, recognizing the value of high educational standards; fourth, developing faith and loyalty.
I believe that the four values on which our chapter was founded will lead me to become a better person. I must strive to become a good person, to respect and treat those around me with kindness, I was always challenge myself to be a woman of merit, and I should work to develop trust and deep friendships.
I Believe that these four guide-posts, guarded by the stars and friendly hands clasped in the Adelphean bonds of fellowship will lead me to achieve a rich and useful life.
Being a sister of Alpha Delta Pi will make me a better person if I remember our Rituals and strive to live our values as outlined in our sisterhood and passed on through our traditions. These values won't end with my college career, but will carry me to success in every aspect of life.
When things get hectic, or stressful, when people get upset or tired. When days are long and the challenges seem never-ending - bring it back to basics. Bring it back to our Creed. Everything you need to know about living and leaving a positive influence on your Greek and campus community are here.
I LOVE this translation! I am an Alpha Delta Pi Alumna, and I could not agree more that the lessons learned and values adopted during my years as a collegian have carried over to my life as a wife, mother, and career woman. We truly are the First, Finest... and it really is FOREVER! We live for each other!!